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Fun  Zone

Life continues to throw challenges our way thanks to COVID-19. For those of you who are teaching students online or who are parents trying to support at-home learning, we hope you are hanging in there ok!


We have some exciting news to share with you today. We’re pleased to announce the launch of a new Kids Run Club resource for teachers called KRC Let’s Move (Sois Actif in French), a fun, simple and effective bilingual resource to support elementary teachers in facilitating movement while teaching online and when kids are back in the classroom.


KRC Let’s Move is suitable for all elementary students and can support both online and classroom learning. KRC Let’s Move includes a toolkit for teachers, the Alphabet Activity and Healthy Living Challenges, ideas for outdoor activities, our modified KRC running program, and a series of KRC Let’s Move videosthat profile 12 well-known Nova Scotia locations and cultural landmarks as KRC Coach Leah leads students through a series of unique and fun movements.


Although Let’s Move/Sois Actif videos are designed for the classroom setting, as PE teachers are currently offering online learning, they may be a fun option for PE time as well!


As with all KRC resources, KRC Let’s Move/Sois Actif is available for free. Teachers who want support from the KRC team and an opportunity to provide important feedback on the evaluation on this new resource can register online. The first 100 NS teachers to register will receive a $25 gift card to either Canadian Tire or Indigo Chapters.




Stay safe,

Kerry and Leah


Kerry Copeland


Executive Director

Healthy Tomorrow Foundation

P (902) 481-4908   C (902) 483-5640

Twitter @NSmoves  Facebook  @HealthyTomorrowNS

Online PE

Doing Physical Education at home can look different in many ways. My goal is for you to feel great, send me videos / pictures / or written messages about what activities you did and if you were a 'wow' 'got it' 'almost there' I would love to here from you


Send me videos and Pictures

I hope everyone is feeling healthy! I will be posting videos weekly/daily in the this week tab. I will keep them brief to allow for kids to try them out. If you didn't know before its clear that I have four very active students of my own. Lukka is in grade 7, Fletcher grade 5, Taya grade 4, Griffin is in grade 2. They are excited to be featured often in the videos demoing games and skills as best they can. Please don't hesitate to reach out through email 

Physically Active
all day everyday
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